accounts receivable

In this section, I’m going to go through different types of transactions, and I’ll be using T-accounts to display the movement of value through the business. I will use my coffee shop to represent a business throughout these examples. If you remember from part 1 and part 2, we went through how every debit must have a matching credit and vice versa. When one account is debited, another account will be credited. The business borrows £5,000 on loan from a bank on 4 July 20X2.


For all transactions, the total debits must be equal to the total credits and therefore balance. All accounts must first be classified as one of the five types of accounts . To determine how to classify an account into one of the five elements, the definitions of the five account types must be fully understood. In simplistic terms, this means that Assets are accounts viewed as having a future value to the company (i.e. cash, accounts receivable, equipment, computers).

4.1 Preparing a balance sheet

We will analyze and record each of the transactions for her business and discuss how this impacts the financial statements. Some of the listed transactions have been ones we have seen throughout this chapter. More detail for each of these transactions is provided, along with a few new transactions. T-accounts are used as an aid for managing debits and credits when using double-entry accounting. Used more as a support mechanism, accounting T-accounts can be helpful for small business owners and entry-level bookkeepers who are making the move to double-entry accounting. Income statements also rely on the accuracy of the accounts payable T-account journal entry to reflect accurate figures.

The accounts payable department recorded receipts in the general ledger one by one, leading to a backlog. Without a proper purchasing management system, company executives couldn’t get real-time, accurate data on their cash flow, current assets, and expense accounts. In double-entry bookkeeping, each accounting entry affects at least two of the company’s accounts. When a debit is entered onto the left side of one account, it sends a credit to the right side of another account. If you enter a transaction on the credit side in one account, there will be a corresponding entry on the debit side of another account.

T-Accounts and their role in accounting systems

But without 100% visibility into your spend financial accounting vs managerial accounting, you’ll be left high and dry on how to curb your spending. Worse yet, you may find some balances inflated or deflated, painting a picture that may not reflect reality. Working capital, cash flow, and your bank account suffer as a result. For liability accounts such as payables and equity accounts like capital, all increases are posted as credits which are on the right column of the T-account. Conversely, all decreases are posted as debits which are on the left column. For asset accounts, which include cash, accounts receivable, inventory, PP&E, and others, the left side of the T Account is always an increase to the account.


Liability accounts record debts or future obligations a business or entity owes to others. When one institution borrows from another for a period of time, the ledger of the borrowing institution categorises the argument under liability accounts. Double-entry accounting is a method of recording every transaction twice to ensure that nothing is missed. Every transaction has two equal parts, a debit one and a credit one. T accounts are an easy way to represent a single account. They work with the double-entry accounting system to reduce the chance of errors.

T account example

The opposite of what increases the account balances will hold to decrease those accounts. For instance, a debit is used to increase an expense account, therefore logically a credit would be used to decrease that account. A double entry system is a detailed bookkeeping process where every entry has an additional corresponding entry to a different account. Consider the word “double” in “double entry” standing for “debit” and “credit”. The two totals for each must balance, otherwise there is an error in the recording.

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For instance, prior to processing closing entries, you can create a revenue T-account in order to check for accuracy. T-accounts also provide a tool for helping to ensure that your entries will balance. To help you understand what we mean, let’s take a look at the story of one of our customers, .

This balance is transferred to the Cash account in the debit column on the trial balance. Accounts Payable ($3500), Unearned Revenue ($4000), Share Capital ($20000) and Revenue ($5500) all have credit final balances in their T-accounts. These credit balances would transfer to the credit column on the trial balance. Cash is an asset, and asset account totals decrease with credits.

Using the platform, many basic tasks such as reporting and visualization, invoice reconciliation, and spend analysis happen automatically within the platform. It takes the guesswork out of managing spending across locations and gives accounting professionals granular insight into every dollar flowing into and out of the organization. That is why we are going back to the basics in this article to re-examine T-accounts. Controls & Visibility Customize approvals, budgets, & reporting.Order Capital Unlock cash flow & easily access capital.

accounting cycle

On January 3, there was a debit balance of $20,000 in the Cash account. Since both are on the debit side, they will be added together to get a balance on $24,000 . On January 12, there was a credit of $300 included in the Cash ledger account. Since this figure is on the credit side, this $300 is subtracted from the previous balance of $24,000 to get a new balance of $23,700. The same process occurs for the rest of the entries in the ledger and their balances.

For the revenue accounts, debit entries decrease the account, while a credit record increases the account. On the other hand, a debit increases an expense account, and a credit decreases it. In accounting, credits and debits are used to record financial transactions. A credit is an entry made on the right-hand side of an account, which increases the account’s balance. A debit is an entry made on the left-hand side of an account, which decreases the account’s balance.

Let’s look at the journal entries for Printing Plus and post each of those entries to their respective T-accounts. Cash was used to pay for salaries, which decreases the Cash account. Accounts Payable recognized the liability the company had to the supplier to pay for the equipment. Since the company is now paying off the debt it owes, this will decrease Accounts Payable. Liabilities decrease on the debit side; therefore, Accounts Payable will decrease on the debit side by $3,500.

Will be composed of various T charts grouped by transaction type. This helps map out your transactions in chronological order, giving an easy visual record of debited and credited accounts. The simple, user-friendly layout makes it more likely that you’ll spot errors before the transactions are recorded in official financial statements.

My bank account is credited £4000, whilst the accounts payable account is debited £2000 and rent is debited £2000. Therefore, both debits and credits are equal in this transaction. If your business uses a single-entry accounting system instead, there’s no need to create T accounts. Double entries offer several advantages, including the ability to catch errors before transactions make their way to the financial statements. With a double-entry system, you can verify at each step that debits and credits are balanced. This free course, Fundamentals of accounting, has introduced you to the essential concepts and skills of accounting in four interactive weeks of study.

Join our community of finance, operations, and procurement experts and stay up to date on the latest purchasing & payments content. Convention, which has not changed for hundreds of years, prescribes that the left-hand side of a T-account is called the debit side, and the right-hand side is called the credit side. Finance Strategists is a leading financial literacy non-profit organization priding itself on providing accurate and reliable financial information to millions of readers each year. The articles and research support materials available on this site are educational and are not intended to be investment or tax advice. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.

You have now learned how to transactions in T-accounts. Capital, and each type of asset and liability, has its own T-account. Figure 1 below shows the general ledger and the three categories of T-accounts therein that we have discussed so far.

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